Sunday, February 14, 2010


What is it about a baby? Most people are touched by a newborn baby. Maybe God makes them so appealing so we won't abandon them when they push us past our point of tolerance. My mother told me that there were times when she could have put me outside and gone back to bed.....but.... she didn't. It's hard to lose sleep especially when you are already tired from delivery. I don't know how young mother's manage today. We stayed in the hospital for a week after birthing and my mother stayed two weeks. These mothers go home the next day. (Yes, that is another reason to look at our health care/insurance situation.) I realize that my girls have needed help. I think that I have gone when each baby was born, when requested. Sometimes it is the week after and sometimes a couple of weeks after. It is always hard for me to know what to do to be helpful. But, on my seventh now, I think probably the best thing is to make sure there is food, watch the children and keep everything else running while mommy can rest and look after baby. All of my girls have breast fed their babies. My oldest even pumped her breasts for 7 months when her baby couldn't nurse. It probably is better but I think that it is harder on the mom. So, advice to all, help wherever you can. It's a happy but difficult time.
I am awaiting word of the pending arrival of my 7th grandchild, 6th boy. Wish that I could know when it is going to happen. Now we know the sex, soon we will be able to know the day of arrival. That will be helpful technology.
It never gets old, always new excitement to meet a new little person. One doesn't get closer to God than when there is a new baby born. Can't wait...

Friday, October 16, 2009

names, names, names

Parents so often agonize over names for their new baby. Of course, it is forever and can have an impact on their own self image. I think that I made one mistake with my four, at least from his perspective. That is the only complaint that I have heard. I think that family names are nice if they are names which will not make them cringe when they introduce themselves for the rest of their life. My name was my great grandmother's name, nice thought but to this day, I do the cringe when introducing myself to new people. Something that you just can't not feel. Also, if it is a trendy name, and a good idea to check those lists on the web or ask your pediatrician if it is a popular name at the time, think of the Jason A, Jason B and Jason C in first grade. Also when you have several, don't name them similar names that will be hard for people to remember as they grow up. I know a family who have Brett and Barry and for the longest time, I had difficulty remembering which was which. I think that most men like regular names. My son, the one who doesn't like his name, said that he had never met a guy with one of those exotic names that was worth anything. I don't know if that is accurate but most men would chose a Bill, John, Sam, Bob name if given the chance. What you think? I remember that my mother said that I could have any name for my children that I chose, that they were all the same price. But, think of the child and how it will impact their self image. Oh, don't overlook initials also. Sometimes it is nice to have a monogram somewhere. I have a friend whose married name made her monogram ASS. Can't even help that with the last name in the middle. No monograms for her. Remember, it is your choice, make it carefully. Their name will soon connect with them.

elders and babies

At this point in my life, at times I am with my only surviving parent and at times, I am assisting children with newborns. There is a similarity. Just when you get them settled in the middle of the night while you long for a few more winks, they wake up with yet another demand on your attention. Exhausting for both. I think that I am recalling direction for caring for newborns, "sleep when they sleep". Let the mundane stuff slide until the baby is sleeping and you have more ability to cope with them. Sleep deprivation can really take its toll on your patience. Don't let that happen to you. Sleep when you can and don't feel guilty about it. It will pass more quickly than you realize at this point.


Don't remember where but once heard someone say that we should call our children just that and not kids, that kids were baby goats. I thought that was a bit silly but as the years go by, I tend to think about it and often correct myself when I start to call children "kids". Somehow it sounds more respectful to refer to them as children.